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Harpold Thomas, PC

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What to do when you are injured at work

On Behalf of | Mar 27, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

While most people do not think about it in their day-to-day lives, the fact is that injuries can happen at work at any time. It is helpful to understand what you should do if you become hurt at work, and what steps come next. 

We understand Washington’s laws about workers’ compensation and have helped many clients with their cases. 

Get medical help and tell your employer about your injury 

According to the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, the first thing you should do when you become injured at work is to get medical help and tell your employer. Workers’ compensation pays for your medical care in relation to your accident. If you are not able to work due to your injury, you might be eligible to receive a portion of your lost wages. 

Telling your employer 

Although you may feel embarrassed or hesitant to tell your employer for various reasons, it is very important that you do so. Washington is a “no-fault” state, which means that you may be eligible for worker’s compensation regardless of whose fault the injury is. This also applies to cases where your employer is self-insured. According to the law, your employer must make sure of the following. 

  • You receive medical attention immediately  
  • That they complete the employer section of an accident report 
  • That they do their best to accommodate your return to work with light-duty work 

If you have concerns about telling your employer due to retaliatory actions, the state of Washington has laws in place to protect you. Employers are not allowed to discriminate or retaliate against you for filing a claim, telling them you plan to file a claim or asking for workers’ compensation benefits. More information about this topic is available on our web page. 
