Harpold Thomas, PC

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Do repetitive injuries happen on the job?

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Regardless of how long you have performed your work function, there is always a chance of an injury. When workers get hurt during regular work duties, the resulting damage may necessitate medical care. While some injuries are evident, others are not. If you experience pain that increases while performing your job, you may want to seek treatment. Only a doctor can diagnose a repetitive strain or stress injury and correlate it to your work. 

What is a repetitive stress injury? 

A repetitive strain or stress injury is one that takes a toll on a particular part of the body, typically a part that you use often. The symptoms of this type of ailment take time to manifest, and when they do, your condition may deteriorate quickly. The most common areas of the body susceptible to this type of injury include: 

  • Shoulder 
  • Knees 
  • Hands/wrists 
  • Elbows 

These body parts are subject to use in the same motion. Runners, for example, often develop stress injuries in the knees. Tennis players may develop tennis elbow while baseball players usually succumb to rotator cuff issues. 

How can a job cause it? 

Athletes aside, almost any person can sustain a repetitive stress injury. The only requirement is that you must perform the same type of motion frequently over a lengthy period. Your job, then, may easily explain why you developed carpal tunnel. This repetitive injury develops after typing too long in the wrong position or doing intricate work with the hands at a factory. When the hands are the primary source of job output, carpal tunnel syndrome may develop. 

What can the employer do to help? 

Once you get a diagnosis of a repetitive injury, file a report with your human resources representative. You may want to present the medical report as evidence that your work conditions may have caused or contributed to the injury. Your employer should open a workers’ compensation claim with the carrier. 

Getting medical attention for an ache or pain you feel at work is the first step in getting better. A workers’ compensation claim may help you financially while you recover. 
